It’s All About You
Would you like a doctor who …
Listens to you
Works to understand the root cause of your illness
Carefully explains your condition and treatments to you
Aims to prevent illness
Treats the cause rather than simply treating the symptoms
Teaches you how food, nutrition, and lifestyle affect your health
Healing By Nature, Naturopathic Doctors, offer integrative health solutions to patients suffering from a variety of health conditions.
“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
Some clients have gone for years dealing with chronic illnesses or pain, misdiagnosed or undiagnosed by their providers. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Lori DiBacco wants clients to understand there is another way, suffering is not required, and you can find health, wellness, wholeness and comfort again in your body - naturally.
Are you ready to discover a healthier you?
You don’t have to look very far to discover your optimum health, our naturopathic doctor, treats the whole patient, focusing on healing the whole body, not just the symptoms.
The 6 Basic Tenets of Naturopathic Medicine
“Vis Medicatrix Naturae”
The Healing Power of Nature
The human body has an innate healing ability that is intelligent and orderly. One of my highest goals is to facilitate and enhance that self-healing mechanism and to alleviate any obstacles to cure.
“Tolle Causam”
Identify and Treat the Cause(s)
Symptoms of disease are the body’s way of communicating that something is out of balance. Rather than just treating symptoms, Naturopathic Doctors work to find and treat the root cause of the illness.
“Primum Non Nocere”
First Do No Harm
All Doctors take the oath to “Do no harm,” but the healing methods, treatments and substances used by Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) inherently have lower risk of harm to the patient, whether by direct action or side effect.
Doctor as Teacher
Naturopathic doctors recognize and value of the doctor-patient relationship and invest time to truly understand the patient as a whole person. Also, NDs educate their patients to make informed decisions and to take responsibility for their health.
“Tolle Totum”
Treat the Whole Person
Naturopathic doctors realize that humans are more than just their physical bodies. We consider the physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and even spiritual aspects when treating the whole person.
Naturopathic doctors educate patients on how to prevent disease. They seek to understand risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and then make appropriate interventions in the best interests of their patients.