Naturopathic medicine combines cutting-edge scientific knowledge with traditional therapies that have withstood the test of time. Naturopathic Doctors are trained at a four-year medical school and need to pass two sets of board exams in order to be licensed. In school, Naturopathic Doctors cover courses in the basic sciences, physical, and clinical diagnosis (for example: biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology) .
In addition, Naturopathic Doctors are also trained in several natural healing therapies, including: nutrition, Western herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, physical medicine (i.e. manipulation), physical therapies (i.e. physiotherapy, ultrasound, cold laser, massage therapy, etc), and hydrotherapy (therapy with water).
Naturopathic Therapies
Western Herbal Medicine
Do you know many medicines are derived from plants? Aspirin is a great example, it comes from white willow trees. Herbs have incredible healing abilities and safety records. In addition to an active ingredient, they contain many other molecules which may have a synergistic effect or balancing effects. Dr. Lori DiBacco makes personalized herbal combinations that fit her patients’ needs.
Originating from Germany, and created over 200 years ago, this naturopathic healing system was created by Samuel Hahnemann, as safe and gentle medicine based on the premise that “like cures like.”
Physical Medicine
Movement is critical to the optimal function of the human body. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) can help their patients identify suitable movement activities as part of their treatment plan. NDs are trained in a variety of hands-on techniques to correct structural integrity.
Some of the most powerful therapies are the oldest and simplest ones. Therapy with water was at one time a common practice in healthcare. There are various methods of water applications that can stimulate immune function or speed the healing process.
Nutrition Counseling
Nutrition is the cornerstone of health and healing. Dr. Lori DiBacco can help you make big or small changes to your dietary habits, depending on the need. Also, identifying and correcting nutritional deficiencies can be a powerful tool in the healing process. Dr. Lori DiBacco often uses vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other products to supplement her treatment plans; to help support or stimulate a metabolic process in the body and pave your road to optimal health.
Environmental Medicine
Total body burden represents the amount of toxins you have accumulated since you were in utero. In two people, the same amount of toxic burden could be innocuous to one and totally derail the other’s health. One’s environment is critical to creating health. Whether it is heavy metals, molds, allergies, plastics, or pesticides you are worried about, Dr. Lori DiBacco can help you uncover the greatest obstacles standing in your way of good health and help you to detoxify in a safe manner.
Genomic Medicine
The ultimate in individualized medicine, Dr. Lori DiBacco has received extensive training in genomic medicine and the nutritional strategies to combat “errors or snips (SNPs)” in our genetic code. Dr. Lori DiBacco emphasizes that your genetics are not the rigid script your body and health will follow. Rather, epigenetics have a powerful effect on the expression of such genetic “errors” in our system. And epigenetics are in fact under our control. If you have your genetic code mapped already or are interested in understanding about your genetic strengths and weaknesses, please reach out to Dr. Lori DiBacco, she’ll be happy to help you decode the information and map out a plan for your optimal health.
Comprehensive Laboratory Services
Digestive analysis
Various types of testing are available to understand your digestive strengths and weaknesses, assess the health of your microbiome, look for intestinal infections, see if you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), hidden inflammation, and/or parasites.
Genomic Testing
Identifying genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or simply put, genetic errors, in your code that could identify the what and why of your susceptibility to certain conditions or diseases.
Dietary and Nutrition Analysis
There are various types of food allergy, food intolerance, or food sensitivity testing. Wouldn’t you like to know if the food you consume is contributing to your ailments? Also, testing is available to assess your vitamin and nutrient status at the cellular level; a great way to measure your individualized nutrition status. Finally, Dr. Lori DiBacco can help you identify and adopt the right food program for your optimal health and wellness.
Hormone testing
There are many ways to assess your hormones (sex hormones, thyroid, adrenal, etc.) depending on what medications or conditions you have. Sometimes blood is best, at other times saliva or urine help us to understand the functioning of your endocrine glands. Many women with troublesome menses or peri-menopause actually discover their hormones are simply out of balance, and targeted treatment eases those symptoms rapidly.
Chronic Disease or Autoimmune Disorder
If you suffer from an autoimmune or other chronic health condition, haven’t you wondered why this developed in your body? Dr. Lori DiBacco helps to identify immune system issues or infections that may connect to your overall health and disease processes. And of course, chart a course to better health, one piece at a time.
Standard or conventional labwork
Many people have not had comprehensive lab work completed when they arrive at our office. Dr. Lori DiBacco can help determine what lab work is necessary and assist you with the simplest methods of obtaining those samples.
Nutrition Counseling & Weight Loss
Nutrition forms the backbone of your health. The basic tools you provide to your body come from the nutrients in your chosen foods. Good nutrition sets the stage for health promotion and disease prevention. What matters as much as what is in your foods (nutrient density), is that which is not in your foods i.e. pesticides, glyphosate, hormones, xenobiotics, and other contaminants.
We provide customized nutrition recommendations for each person. Did you know that not all diets are appropriate for each individual? Did you know that nutrient deficiencies are all too common in the US? Even the National Institutes of Health says that most all Americans are not getting enough magnesium in their diet.
At Healing by Nature, we offer lab testing that helps identify food intolerances or food allergies, or digestive issues that will shape your customized nutrition plan. The body responds rapidly when given the right tools.
Sick and Tired of Feeling, “Sick and tired”?
Here are a few of Healing By Nature’s specialties:
Thyroid disorders, including autoimmune diseases, and certified in Wilson’s Temperature syndrome
Type II Diabetes
Adrenal disorders
Fatigue of unknown cause
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Female hormonal imbalances: i.e. PMS, PMDD, PCOS, menopause, infertility
HPV and cervical dysplasia
Digestive concerns: i.e. indigestion, acid reflux, GERD, IBS, constipation, diarrhea
Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease
Insomnia, sleep disturbances, lethargy
Autoimmune diseases
Skin conditions: i.e. adult or teen acne, psoriasis, eczema, rashes of unknown cause
Mental/emotional conditions: i.e. anxiety, depression, PTSD
Lyme disease, lyme-like illness, and recovery
Adjunct care for cancer treatment
Chemical Sensitivity
Mold Exposure
Environmental Medicine
Symptoms and illnesses that are difficult to treat or diagnose
Or, are you just sick but no one can tell you why?
“I have had serious digestive problems for years, which prescription drugs were not adequately treating. Now, with Dr. Lori DiBacco’s diet and supplement regimen, I’m completely off the drugs, and am feeling better than I have in years. I’m now eating and absorbing food well enough to regain my energy, and I’m completely comfortable.”